Tuesday, October 18, 2011

100% Pure New Zealand, not so pure anymore

100% Pure New Zealand is the slogan used by the the New Zealand tourism office across the world. If you've been to NZ, then you know how relevant it is, and how much it means to people in this region. Nature, wilderness and healthy living are what makes this country so wealthy. As you have probably heard, a container ship, the Rena, has crashed onto a reef on the 5th of October off the NZ coast. It has been stuck since, with 350 tons of toxil fuel has been escaping the hull and dozens of containers (some of which contain toxic chemicals) have been falling overboard. While rescue teams are doing their best to contain the disaster and pump as much fuel out of the vessel's tanks, there is a great risk that the entire ship breaks in two under the pressure of the waves. 1300 dead birds have already been recovered, including rare species of penguins. This is by far New Zealand's worst environmental disaster in many decades, and yet another oil spill in our precious oceans.

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