If you are reading my blog, you are using Internet. And if you are using Internet, chances are that you are also a regular visitor of search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. The issue with these search engines is that they are energy-hungry and not so environment-friendly. Now if I told you that instead of searching on the major search engines, you could do the exact same search with the same results on a different "green" search engine? My guess is that you would probably use it.
Ecosia is a new search engine powered by major search engines. The difference is that they donate 80% of their profit to environmental organisations such as the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), in order to save Brazilian rain forests. When you know that 1.5% of the USA's energy bill is due to servers (
source), do this poor planet a little favor and start searching on Ecosia!
Below is a video of how it works: